Minneapolis has unique, diverse and vibrant neighborhoods and you can take advantage of renovation incentives and home purchases. If you love the full of life city, you might want to consider moving to Minneapolis and experience urban living. Best of all, Minneapolis has a number of walk able neighborhoods like Downtown West, Downtown East, North Loop, Loring Park, Uptown, Lowry Hill East, Howe, Longfellow, Hiawatha, Dinkytown, NE Riverfront, Holland and Victory-Memorial.

There are a number of positives of living in a walkable neighborhood:
Walkable communities are more climate-friendly
- Fuel guzzling vehicles like trucks and cars are the city’s biggest source of global warming emissions. The compact and walk able areas permit families not to start their car often, and the time taken to travel is reduced too. The contribution to polluting the environment is also reduced.
City of Minneapolis-Sustainability Indicators
- The air that you breathe inside your vehicle is one of the worst you will have all day. Dense urban traffic makes city roads a “pollution tunnel” that exposes drivers (and passengers as well) to sky high levels of volatile organic compounds, benzene and fine soot. The alternative is to prioritize urban walkability, biking, and utilize public transportation.

Minneapolis Bike & Walk Maps
Walkable neighborhoods are synonymous
People who live in sprawling areas drive over longer distances. They also spend more time inside their vehicles compared to residents of compact and walk able neighborhoods. It is true, that the more you drive the more risk you have of breathing in harmful gases.
Your life comes back to you
- According to the American Journal of Medicine, if you walk half an hour every day, five days per week, you add about 1.5 years on an average to your predicted lifespan. It means that if you walk for a minute, three minutes are added to your life.
- Residents of walk able neighborhoods are 2.4 times as much as probable to walk for about half an hour as those living in least-walk able neighborhoods.
- People who live in traditional neighborhoods with excellent pedestrian facilities and enjoy the conveniences of services just a few minutes’ walk from their homes, get approximately 70 minutes of physical activity in a week.
Minneapolis offers an unmatched choice when it comes to housing, education and employment. The city is home to a number of universities and colleges, thereby giving the residents of the city an unparalleled access to lifelong productive learning.

Minneapolis-Minnesota Colleges and Universities
If you’re looking to experience urban city living in Minneapolis or Saint Paul, please feel free to contact RE/MAX Results – Shannon Lindstrom, Realtor @ 612-616-9714 or visit www.ShannonLindstromRealtor.com today. I can help you achieve your goal of homeownership today!