Carpet often elicits a complex love-hate dynamic among homeowners. On one hand, it offers comfort, enhances the overall design, and can introduce a vibrant splash of color to a room. However, managing a carpet intended to endure a decade in your home can be quite overwhelming. Whether your household is bustling with little feet and furry paws or you’re living solo, maintaining your carpet’s pristine condition can feel like a formidable task. Nobody desires a soiled, malodorous carpet, as it can swiftly tarnish the appeal of a once-beloved space. Instead of avoiding the carpeted areas in your home, consider following these steps to ensure your carpets remain as fresh and clean as ever.
1. Choose the Right Carpet
When it comes to carpet, choosing what you need in the space is much more important than choosing what you want. While making sure your carpet matches your goal aesthetic, you are going to want to make sure you are choosing the correct material. If you are putting carpet in a high-traffic room, nylon carpet is your best bet.
2. Always Cut Snags
While carpet snags can seem trivial in the grand scheme of things, it is important to keep an eye out for them and cut them as soon as you notice them. If you neglect to trim snags, they can unravel and lead to further damage. There is no use in worrying about keeping a carpet clean if it is ripped to shreds.
3. Create Protective Measures
If you will naturally have a lot of visitors enjoying your carpet, there are several steps to take to try to minimize the wear and tear done to it. First, consider encouraging all guests to remove their shoes at the door if they don’t already. Another step to take is adding several rugs at entry points to your home so that any additional dirt and debris can get caught by an easily cleaned rug, rather than your carpet.
4. Treat Stains as Soon as They Happen
If you are in the middle of hosting a party or just don’t quite feel like getting up and dealing with a mess, it may seem like a pain, but it is key that you remove and treat a stain as soon as it happens. Letting any spill soak will reduce your chances of treatment and removal, and you can end up with a permanent stain.
5. Add Vacuuming To Your Weekly To-Do
If you aren’t already vacuuming at least once a week, start now. Maintenance cleaning is much better for your carpet than waiting until it actually looks dirty. Once you are vacuuming weekly, try upgrading to twice or three times a week. This will do wonders for the life of your carpet.
6. Invest In Professional Cleaning
Either once or twice a year, consider hiring the professionals to come in and deep clean your carpets. Nothing will bring them back to life better than an expert dirt and debris removal.