Minneapolis urban living is the GREEN sustainability feature of walkable neighborhoods mixed with residential (single-family & condo) and local businesses. If you are looking to walk and or live near coffee shops or local diners, Minneapolis offers many walking neighborhood opportunities for new or current residents to explore. Please find…
Tips for Making Your Minneapolis/St. Paul Condo Eco-Friendly
There is great news for Minnesota condo buyers who are passionate about upholding a green living lifestyle. If you are thinking about buying a Minneapolis-St Paul condo for sale, you can rest assured that there are many eco-friendly actions you can take that will make your new home an environmentally-friendly place…
Minneapolis – St Paul Green City Living
Green living has become a goal for many communities throughout the United States, but in Minneapolis-St Paul green living is a reality. The city has devoted time, energy and resources into becoming more sustainable, and its residents are committed to the cause. If you are interested in Minneapolis St Paul…
Minneapolis Lake Bde Maka Ska Neighborhoods and Real Estate
The residential communities surrounding Lake Bde Maka Ska (formerly Calhoun) and Lake of the Isles area is a great location for individuals who enjoy Minneapolis city living. The business district is referred to as Uptown and the group of neighborhoods consisting of Bryn Mawr, Lowry Hill, CARAG, Lowry Hill East,…
The Five Top Draws of Minneapolis-Saint Paul City Living
St. Paul is Minnesota’s capital, so it’s a political and cultural hub. Its residential areas suit every style, from the Victorian elegance of Summit Hill, to the boutique feel of Grand Avenue, to the artists’ lofts downtown. And Minneapolis offers skyscrapers amid historic landmarks, a famous row of restaurants, plus nightlife, recreation, and wonderful parks. What else draws home…
5 Perfect Kitchen Upgrades for a New Look Without Remodeling
Almost every homeowner dreams of a brand new, state-of-the-art kitchen, but kitchen remodels are expensive and can often take months to complete. Fortunately, there are a few easy changes you can make which will give you the updated look you crave with significantly less cost. 5 Perfect Kitchen Upgrades 1….