Maple Grove, Minnesota has been an eco-friendly place to live and breathe for years. The population of Maple Grove is roughly 70,000+ residents, living in approximately 36 square miles. Yet, the place serves as an inspiration for the work done to sustain the environment for future generations. Maple Grove policymakers, local officials, small businesses, and the community at large have one thing in common – they all think big about environmental sustainability.
Steps Taken
Making a name for itself in the burning global issue of sustainability, Maple Grove is a city that is blossoming with ideas of how to be green and clean. In the past few years, officials have taken several steps to significantly enhance energy efficiency and sustainability. Even before the word ‘GREEN’ became a consumer buzzword, this small corner of the world had begun its quest for cleaner air and fresher spaces. With the help of residents, who all try to do their bit, the town’s effort is a team-work example to be modelled.

Recycling Rage
Taking the phrase “prevention is better than cure” to the next level, Maple Grove residents started major recycling projects as far back as 2009. A key recycling provider of the city, “Allied Waste, ” began distributing recycling bins to residents. This was done to compel them to segregate paper, glass, cans, wet waste, and plastics. The town uses a great reward system, awarding points to residents who go green and achieve specific recycling goals. Points can be redeemed for coupons to spend in stores like Target.

Pumps, not Ponds
Talking serious sustainability, Maple Grove reached a real high when it started using geothermal pumps. The library, city hall, and Great River Energy all use these pumps, connected to ponds that are man-made. The pumps effectively use the temperature at the bottom of the pond (which remains constant) to regulate cooling and heating mechanisms. In three years time, the city made up for what it spent on these pumps, and got an environmentally cool way of heating and cooling for life.

Other Environmentally-safe Ways of Living
Water treatment plants began using a recovery system that utilizes lamella water to treat it. Instead of water being released into the sanitary sewer, the system cleans water from the backwash, avoiding water wastage. Besides this, all businesses in Maple Grove recycle waste. A great turbine has been installed to save energy, and this has received an official US certification, making Maple Grove hit the spot in sustainable living.